Diversity Awareness Calendar

M State welcomes the opportunity to promote diversity and inclusion with its Diversity Awareness Calendar. These days and months are designated to raise awareness of specific groups, cultures and causes.


天(s) Group, Culture or Cause Recognized
整个月 Poverty Awareness Month
1 元旦
1 Global Family 一天/World Peace 一天
4 世界盲文日
15 世界宗教日
16 Martin Luther King, Jr. 一天
26 International Customs 一天
27 International Holocaust Remembrance 一天


天(s) Group, Culture or Cause Recognized
整个月 American History Month
整个月 黑人历史月
整个月 Canadian History Month
整个月 人际关系月
14 St. 情人节
15 涅槃一天
20 World 一天 of Social Justice
20 总统纪念日


天(s) Group, Culture or Cause Recognized 
整个月 Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month
整个月 Greek-American Heritage Month
整个月 Gender Equality Month
整个月 Irish-American Heritage Month
整个月 种族平等月
整个月 National Women's History Month
整个月 National Multiple Sclerosis Education and Awareness Month
1 四旬斋前的最后一
2 圣灰星期三
6 普林节
8 International Women's 一天
8 United Nations 一天 for Women's Rights and International Peace
11 World 一天 of Muslim Culture, Peace, Dialogue and Film
14 π的一天
16 St. Urho天
16-17 普林节
17 St. 帕特里克节
20 Naw-Ruz
23 斋月第一天
25 International 一天 of Remembrance of the Victims of Slavery and the Transatlantic Slave Trade


天(s) Group, Culture or Cause Recognized
整个月 Community Service Month
整个月 地球的月
整个月 Autism Awareness Month
整个月 Arab-American Heritage Month
整个月 Tartan (Scottish-American) Heritage Month
整个月 Celebrate Diversity Month
2 World Autism Awareness 一天
5 逾越节的开始 
7 International 一天 of Reflection on the Genocide in Rwanda
9 复活节
13 逾越节结束 
14 National 一天 of Silence 
20 Youth 首页lessness Matters 一天
20 First 一天 of Ridvan - Festival of Ridvan
21 Advisor Appreciation 一天
21 斋月的最后一天
22 地球日
28 瑞德万的第九天


天(s) Group, Culture or Cause Recognized
整个月 National Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month
整个月 Haitian Heritage Month
整个月 Indian Heritage Month
整个月 Jewish-American Heritage Month
整个月 精神健康月
整个月 South Asian Heritage Month
整个月 Personal History Awareness Month
整个月 Speech and Hearing Awareness Month
整个月 Older Americans Month
1-2 瑞德万的第12天
4 星球大战日
5 五月五日节
8-9 World War II Remembrance and Reconciliation
21 World 一天 for Cultural Diversity for Dialogue and Development
22 International 一天 for Biological Diversity
23 Declaration of the Bab in Shiraz, Shavuot
28 Ascension of Bahau'llah
29 阵亡将士纪念日


天(s) Group, Culture or Cause Recognized
整个月 National Caribbean American Heritage Month
整个月 LGBT骄傲月
整个月 黑人音乐月
11 种族团结日
12 爱的一天
19 六月节
21 National Indigenous People's 一天
28 Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) Pride 一天


天(s) Group, Culture or Cause Recognized
整个月 法国-American Heritage Month
4 独立日
4 菲律宾-American Friendship 一天
9 The Martyrdom of the Bab
11 世界人口日
14 Women in Military Service for America Memorial Anniversary
24 先锋的一天
26 Disability 独立日
26-27 美国B 'Av


天(s) Group, Culture or Cause Recognized
整个月 National Civility Month
9 International 一天 of the World's Indigenous People
13 International Lefthanders 一天
19 World Humanitarian 一天
23 International 一天 for the Remembrance of the Slave Trade and its Abolition
26 妇女平等日


天(s) Group, Culture or Cause Recognized
9/15-10/15 Hispanic Heritage Month
整个月 National Guide Dog Month
4 劳动节
11 爱国者的一天
15 International 一天 of Democracy
15-17 犹太新年
16 Mexican 独立日
21 International 一天 of Peace
24-25 犹太人的赎罪日
27 世界旅游日
29 住棚节


天(s) Group, Culture or Cause Recognized
整个月 Bullying Prevention Month
整个月 Domestic Violence Awareness Month
整个月 爱滋病宣传月
整个月 Down Syndrome Awareness Month
整个月 家族史月
整个月 菲律宾-American Heritage Month
整个月 Italian-American Heritage Month
整个月 LGBT历史月
整个月 National Disability Employment Awareness Month
整个月 National German Heritage Month (Sept. 15-Oct. 15)
整个月 National Work and Family Month
整个月 Polish-American Heritage Month
1 German American Heritage 一天
2 International 一天 of Non-Violence
10 World Mental Health 一天
11 National Coming Out 一天
11 National Native American 一天
16-17 Birth of the Bab in Shirza
16-17 巴哈欧拉的诞生
19 Spirit 一天-Anti Bullying
31 万圣节


天(s) Group, Culture or Cause Recognized
整个月 National Native American Heritage Month
整个月 National American Indian & Alaska Native Heritage Month
1-2 亡灵节
2 同工同酬日
9 世界自由日
11 退伍军人 一天/Armistice 一天
13 世界善良日
16 International 一天 for Tolerance
17 International Students' 一天
20 Transgender 一天 of Remembrance
23 感恩节


天(s) Group, Culture or Cause Recognized
整个月 Universal Human Rights Month
整个月 HIV/爱滋病宣传月
1 世界艾滋病日(联合国)*
2 International 一天 for the Abolition of Slavery (UN)*
3 International 一天 of Persons with Disabilities (UN)*
7-15 光明节
10 International Human Rights 一天 (UN)*
25 圣诞节
26-Jan. 1 宽扎节
31 除夕夜